Monday 6 August 2012

Analysis of 'P.S I Love You'- Promotional Poster

In this promotional poster there’s a lot of white used in the poster. This is to show the innocence of the characters love. Also it shows purity of their love too with the use of white and as its connotations. Also the sense of nudity shows purity and simplicity in their love as Hilary and Gerard’s characters are bare skinned.
There’s black font used for the names of the actors in the film then for the institutions and other production names. Black has negative connotations such as, death, poison, evil and unhappiness.  I have noticed that the use of black which links in with layout as there’s something happy for example the image then black writing then it’s the name of the films then the institution and production information then the date which the film is released, which is in red. I feel that the black is used to break down the romance on the promo poster. As this film had many dramatic incidents for example, when Gerard Butler’s character dies, I feel that the colour and layout reflect the storyline.
The use of red as in the font is perfectly used as this is a romance drama film. The red portrays the love in this film. A darker red is used which shows the audience that their love is deep and longing and forever. However red also connotates death, this could mean death as this film had part death involved in the narrative. This also could show the loss of her love in the film and the simile of her blood lost as her love is gone.
The use of 3 main colours contrasting of a majority of white to red and black shows that this film is mainly about the purity of the romance in the film with some inserts of pure true love which is connotated with the red and then the breakdown of the romance with the drama from the black used.
Lastly, black font is used for the names of the actors then for the institutions. Black has negative connotations such as, death, poison, evil and unhappiness.  I have noticed that the use of black which links in with layout as there’s something happy for example the image then black writing then it’s the name of the films then the institution and production information then the date which the film is released, which is in red. I feel that the black is used to break down the romance on the promo poster. As this film had many dramatic incidents for example, when Gerard Butler’s character dies, I feel that the colour and layout reflect the storyline

The main title of the name of the film on the promotional poster is written as someone writing it. It mirrors the whole narrative of the film as Gerard characters leaves letters for Hilary’s character. It can also stand for when people write ‘P.S’ at the end of letters or emails. They are quick and a short little message. The film promotional poster reflects the idea that the name of the film is very romantic and how the little message contains those three words a couple crave for.
The size of the font is different. With the name of the film in big font, this allows attention to the films name as it stands out from all the information on the poster. Also coinciding with colour, the date of the release is also in red and in block writing which again stands out from all the institution credits from the bottom which stands out to the viewers.
The fonts for the actors names and the institutions are in simple font and very straight. I personally think that this font was left simple so the audience get more attracted to the films name. As colour is involved this again attracts the audience. I think that that is a great way to attract your audience using the promotional poster. By using a different font for the name of the title and using a simple yet normal font for the actor’s name and institution credits. I will think of this idea and try to imply it on my promotional poster.

The image is the first thing that audiences notice from my survey I have conducted. This is normally the decider on if the viewer sees the film. As ‘P.S I Love You’ has a close up on the two love interests of the film, Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler. Normally on romance drama posters, there’s a close up or a mid shot of the two love interest, this is used so that the audiences know the whole film will be about them. The image is an iconic moment in any couples relationship. In films and now books we see/ read the male love interest propped up on his elbow whilst the female love interest shy’s away whilst lying down. By portraying this iconic image through the promotional poster, this attracts mainly females to the poster as it is an iconic moment in a relationship, which many girls would love to be in that position with their other half.  The proxemics of the image is very close, this is a code and convention for a romance drama poster to show on the promotional poster to proxemics of the two love interests as overall this is a romance drama film promotional poster.

Normally the layout of a promotional poster is the same. With the main image on most of the poster and have the name of the actors below the main image then the films name then a slogan then institution credits at the bottom. This layout is like this because normally the first place the viewer look on the poster is the top or the middle and as the main image is in those places, the viewers will know who the film has. With the writing at the bottom of the page, and the title in the middle of the writing with big font which stands out also attracts the audience in at one glance to know who’s in the film and what the film is called. With the set format, the audience don’t want changes to the promotional poster as this means they won’t know where to look first. If the institution credits were at the top and the main image was at the bottom of the page, the audiences would be looking at an odd poster as it wouldn’t be effective enough. That’s why I am going to follow this layout in my promotional poster as I think it is effective to give the audience to right information.

Language on a promotional poster should be limited as the main image should be making a statement rather than language on the poster. As the title is very simple with, ‘P.S I Love You’ the genre of the film is easily portrayed and with the simple word, the film is remembered. With simple words used on the poster, allows every viewer to understand what the film is about. As a promotional poster is normally what audience members see at cinemas alongside trailer, they need to fully understand the language on the poster. If there were complicated words on the poster, audience wouldn’t be attracted to the poster. With word like ‘P.S I Love You’ it is very easily portrayed that the film is romantic with the three iconic words as part of the film name. The slogan portrays a romantic mood across the poster, which attracts audience of the romance drama genres. I will use very simple language on my promo poster as I only want to portray the films name and have a small yet a snappy slogan.

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