Sunday 13 January 2013

Class opinion on my finished trailer

After finishing my trailer, in class we showed our trailers to everyone in the class and everyone had to write down three stars and 1 wish. 
Here is what my class wrote...

  • Liked the camera angles I used especially when they look in on the expressions x7
  • Liked how the music fits with genre x7
  • Good voiceovers x5
  • Nice use of first person shot 
  • Good use of camera shot inside the cupboard x2
  • Nice storyline which is on point of genre x2
  • Acting was done well 
  • Great transitions 
  • Love the change in romance to drama in trailer 
  • Nice clear shots 
  • Good colour scheme 
  • Good use of humour i.e. batman reference x2
  • Good use of sound quality 
  • Billing card is hard to read, change font x2
  • Could include more camera angles 
  • Make the font more creative x2
  • Could've used the real billing card at the start
  • Have different range of music 
Overall I am happy with the response I got with my trailer from my class. 
The wishes are great which I can act upon and see what people think really of my trailer. 

The billing card, I created my own billing card because of two reason. Firstly I couldn't find a clear enough version to use in my trailer so then I decided to create my own so that I am not copying anyone and that my trailer makes it more unique as I have created my own and inserted my own information within which makes the audience read the information rather than the ideology of skim reading as it is the same information as every single trailer. So therefore I haven't used the real one. 

Onto the point where the billing card is hard to read, I used the clearest font I could find. Only 2 people in my class stated that point so therefore I showed 5 of my other friends who viewed my trailer whether it was readable and they said it was so therefore no change made. 

The other point was to use more camera angles. I used a range of camera angles which fits with my genre from over the shoulder to first person. I understand where the person who wrote the wish was coming from. As this was my first finished product of camera work. I do feel I could have used a range of camera shots. However for me to add more  shots would completely throw the whole narrative, as I have set it the narrative out in the trailer. 

The next point made was to make the font more creative. On the creation of my promotional poster and magazine cover and trailer I went through a variety of fonts to use on my trailer. Some font weren't readable whereas the final font was. Again I asked all of my friends/ family and teachers if the font was readable, they all said it was.

The last point was to use a range of different music in the trailer. I counter this point as thorough research of romance drama trailers, they tend to use only 2 different scores. As I am doing a hybrid genre, I thought two types of scores can be used to show the different genre points in the trailer. As we had to use no copyrighted scores, it was very difficult to find a score which fits the scenes as well as the genre. OCR provided some scores, which after thorough editing, I discovered two scores which fits with the genre. Also 7 people did like the music I used so therefore I am proud of the music I used. 

Below is the little pieces of paper where we wrote our stars and wishes.

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