Tuesday 19 June 2012

Focus Group- Primary Research

I have conducted a focus group to research about trailers. I used 6 of my friends, 2 Male and the rest female  which makes the research non biased.
My aim was to find out what attracts audiences to promotional posters.
I asked these questions...

  1. Do you look at promotional posters?
  2. Where do you see promotional posters?
  3. Name one promotional poster and describe the best features?
  4. Have a look at these promotional poster (I showed them The Vow and Dark Knight Rises Poster)
  5. What attracts you to each of the posters?
  6. If you had to create a promotional poster for a romance drama film, what image would you use and why?
  7. What font would you use and why?
  8. What colours would you use and why?
This would give me views on other peoples ideas and what they would use and why, so I have a variety of ideas on my promotional posters and what will attract them.
I have created a video, this is it via my Youtube channel.
Promotional Poster Focus Group Video

I have found out that my focus group have stated that a successful promotional poster I need to...
Have a good colour scheme used. As I'm doing a romance drama genre trailer, I should be using soft pastel colours. Also i should have characters that the audience will recognize however due to the lack of budget and the lack of contacts I cannot have actors who everyone knows so I cannot follow that advise, however if in the future creating a promotional poster, I will bear that in mind.

Throughout the primary research I found out that my focus group liked the lighting on The Vow promotional poster. This shows the the simplicity of the characters and it also creates a mood for the audience who will be viewing this promotional poster. Also they felt that the main image should be happy as stereotypical the genre is a happy mood. I will use that advise in my promotional poster and create an image for a happy mood.
As font is concerned, they also advised me to use bold, italics as fonts as it will stand out on the promo. They also gave me ideas on some fonts, Elegant, Script, Calbri.
I will have a look on what font I will use and have good reason on why I have used that font.

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