Monday 4 June 2012

Empire- Magazine Analysis

June 2011 Edition

Colour is very significant on magazine covers, on this Empire issue, the masthead for Empire is in block letters and blood shock red. Normally the Empire is red however sometimes can change according to the main image on the front. As this current copy of Empire has Daniel Craig who is currently starring in the new James Bond film, ‘SkyFall’. The red connotates the blood shed in the films, however another connotation can be drawn with the love and lust in the 007 films with the Bond girls. Also red is used with the main titles of the main articles; the text box is filled with red. This could connotate James Bonds missions. With every single film, 007 always kills more than once, with the boxes being ‘filled’ with red, could connotate the blood/ lives filling up for a mission, once the box is filled, the mission is completed.
 The use of black runs through the cover always. The ideology of always seeing James Bond in a suit is running through this cover. With the black and white font being used, it acts as a metaphor to 007’s tuxes. Another connotation can be even simpler, by showing bonds true colours. With Empire not using any bright colours or any secondary colours, this shows that Bond is very undetected and dirty with the work he does as he does have a ‘Licence to kill’. With black and white films being the start of the film industry, this could also connotate Bond with being very old school with the techniques of his killing with, knifes, guns and gadgets.

Font is very important for a magazine as it’s necessary for the readers to read what the magazine is implying. It’s very important that the readers are recognising the synergy that Empire use, for example the bold masthead which stands out on the magazines cover also the synergy used , coordinates with the main articles in the magazine issue. With Empire’s masthead being in the ideal area, gives the front cover a dominant factor. Another font factor is the main articles font, ‘SkyFall’, it’s in italics. These can connotate that this article is different from the other articles in the magazine. It can also show that the film will be unique too. As it’s in bold , it makes a statement as it’s the second biggest font on the front cover, which implies the films importance on the cover.  The cover lines are in different fonts and aren’t in bold, which divides the main articles to the other articles in the magazine. As the font size is small, it shows that the other articles aren’t mainly based around this issue of Empire, however are also important. On this month’s issue of Empire, there is a strap line, ‘Nobody does it better’. This can be connected with Empire, being the greatest and best film magazine ever or it can connotate with the main article of Daniel Craig’s portrayal of Bond. With the statement, ‘nobody does it better’ may be comparing Craig’s portrayal to the previous Bonds, who are also featured on the cover. The font is very simple and again readable. In normal situations a normal reader, automatically reads the top of the magazine to recover the name of the magazine.  Empire has places such a bold strap line at the top of the magazine to ensure their readers are questioned with this particular issue.  

Also the use of the original 007 sign is used on the cover. Again this shows that the cover is using the logo to attract the Bond movie lovers to this particular issue of Empire.

Towards the lower part of the cover, it shows the previous Bond actors. How Italics bend font can suggest that the previous Bond actors are no more. With the ideology of death, people tend to fall sideways as they have no control over their body anymore. This can suggest the same with the font and with the decease of the older Bond actors. Lastly all of the cover lines fonts are the same as the ‘Empire’ font. The use of synergy allows the readers to familiarise themselves with the cover and Empire’s work. The benefit of this in any future issues of Empire, the readers are familiarised with the font and if the main image shields the magazines name, the readers can recognise that this is an Empire magazine.

Image is very important for the cover of any magazine as it attracts and influences the readers to the particular issue. The Two Step Flow model applies as the main model in the image is opinion leader who then influences the readers to buy the particular issue . Empire has placed Daniel Craig on the front ,allowing the Bond lovers to purchase the magazine. Apart from 007 film lovers, other readers can be attracted like females who think Daniel Craig is a bit of eye candy or even other male readers who respect Craig. Overall the main image has major factors over the reader’s choice of purchasing the magazine. As the main image is in the centre of the magazine, this suggests that the whole issue is revolving around the main images. It states the importance of a main image on the front cover. Empire has created a unique yet brilliant effect with the two gunshots through the front cover glass effect. With the stereotypical  gunshots at the start of every bond film creates a familiar environment for the reader of Empire and makes the reader feel that this issue is surrounding 007 for 100%.
With there are normally smaller photos on a front, in this case there are seven smaller images. With five smaller images of the previous Bond actors, this shows the previous Bonds actors. With the images laid out next to one another, can portray a Hall of Fame of Bond actors or even a tribute. With all Bond actors wearing the stereotypical attire of a tux or smart black and white suit can show the reader, that Empire are fully engrossed with the whole 007 dominance on this issue.  Lastly the other smaller images are on the front cover next to the main image. This shows the readers what else is in this issue. The smaller images are used for current film reviews and upcoming films. This is effective as white space is filled and makes the front cover less wordy.
Readers don’t want any change of the layout on the front covers as ideally readers check the top of the magazine to see the magazines names. As this issue of Empire fits the stereotype as the masthead it at the top which shows dominance on the front of the magazine. The main cover line is in its normal situation which is under the main  image and again in the centre. This again allows the readers be comfortable when purchasing the copy of a magazine. With the cover line of ‘SkyFall’ being in the centre allows the reader to gain little information about the main article. The barcode is in its normal area as its not interfering with any part of the front cover. Overall the layout is very simple yet very dominant as the main image proves a ‘purchase’ factor to the reader. I personally feel that front covers shouldn’t be dramatic as a dominant image and few cover lines would suffice in a brilliant front cover.

Language is very important to a magazines front cover as it is suppose to be very simple and get straight to the point. This Empires issue has few words on it as the images speak louder. Alliteration is used on the front cover as main cover lines. The words ‘Bond. Back in Business’ attracts readers into the magazine as it’s a questions statement, which makes the reader think about how Bond is back in business. Also the use of short and snappy slogans like ‘The Verdict!’ for Avengers allows the audience to know what the article will be about without beating around the bush. Overall the language on the front cover is very simple as it allows the readers to know what the articles about without too many words.

Overall in this analysis of Empire’s Front cover, I have decided to use fewer words on the front as the main image will be dominant. Also the font of the masthead should be the same as the cover lines, which allows the readers to become fond of the atmosphere of the magazine and should be readable and nothing to fancy. Lastly colours should represent the main image. As this issue was about James Bond, mostly red, black and white were used, as they are connotate in many ways which implies with Bond. How my film genre is romance drama I feel that I should use soft and delicate colours to represent the love of the characters. 

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