Friday 7 September 2012

My Promotional Poster Plans

This is my promotional poster plan. The pencil outline of the image isn't great when scanning, but this shows my two actors faces close to show the intimacy of the characters. I have gone with the idea of  'The Vow' poster. As I will be using a different image to show their love in the promotional poster, I can use another image in the magazine cover to show their love but in a different less intimate way. In this image I wish to use a white/ heaven background as it should show the intimacy. I have followed the trend where the institutions names are at the bottom of the poster which is combined with the release date for the film too, which will be in red to make the date stand out. Majority the image should be the only major attraction on the image rather than the name and that is what I've gone for.

This is my 2nd plan for my promotional poster. The image wasn't decided so I drew 5 ideas on the plan. The layout is different as I placed the film name at the top of the poster then the names of the characters at the bottom. I tired this because I wanted to see what it would look like if it changed.
The use of pink for the title was used because pink is a soft colour which should represent the love of my couple in the trailer. However as this is a synergy project I may use red as I have used red on the magazine poster too and see which one looks better. Also the same colour needs to be used in the trailer too. Overall I don't like the way the film name is at the top and actors name is at the bottom, so therefore I made another plan with what I would like my final poster to look like.

I combined what I liked in the first two posters and created a super final poster.
Again the layout I have followed normal promotional posters that I have analysed. Starting with the names of the actors at the top. I personally feel that it would look more professional and the audience would notice the actors if I have the names at the top. Then they would gradually descend to see the image then the name of the film with its tag line underneath then the institution information and the date of release within the details at the bottom. As I explained with the second idea, I have gone for a pink however I will trial a red as I have used red in the magazine which would show synergy. The image is drawn in pencil and not colour in because I am still hesitant on what image I should use, With the previous shots I will photography all 5 poses and see which one will suit the promotional poster and which one will deliver the right message across on the promo poster. Again with the other font colour I don't want to use black as it has negative connotations, so depending on the background I want to use a beige, creme font.

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